Privacy policy

In the course of its business, ZUBAK GRUPA d.o.o., Zagrebačka 117, Velika Gorica, VAT No.: 39135989747 (hereinafter referred to as ZUBAK GRUPA), collects and processes personal data concerning its customers and users of its services (hereinafter referred to as Data Subjects) and takes measures to ensure that the processing of such personal data is lawful, fair and transparent.

In this context, ZUBAK GRUPA may within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 679/16 act vis-à-vis your personal data as the controller and/or processor and we would hereby like to inform you, our customers and users of our services, of the processing of your personal data collected by ZUBAK GRUPA and how they are used.

You will also learn about your rights with respect to data processing and how you may exercise them. Data are collected, processed and used in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations and the terms used in this Policy have the meanings defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

  1. General particulars of ZUBAK GRUPA d.o.o. as the Controller and/or Processor
    1. Identity and contact details: ZUBAK GRUPA d.o.o., Zagrebačka 117, Velika Gorica, Republic of Croatia VAT No.: 39135989747;,,,,,
    2. Data Protection Officer’s contact details: e-mail: [email protected]
  2. How do we collect your data (legal grounds for processing)?
    1. ZUBAK GRUPA collects personal data directly from you at the time of entering into and while performing our mutual contracts and undertaking pre-contractual activities (offers, queries, reservations, requests regarding an order of products or services, sending of queries or requests concerning our products or services), or based on your consent given via ZUBAK GRUPA’s websites, as well as indirectly when you wish to purchase and/or use our products or services via an intermediary or agent, i.e. when you exercise your rights or use our services or purchase or products as part of the business cooperation we pursue with our business partners, or on any other legal ground. Furthermore, we collect personal data in cases where you make them available to us, e.g. as part of registering you as a user of our services or creating your profile on our website, as a subscriber to our assistance services or a user of other services, by completing the relevant form or sending e-mail, as well as in other similar situations where you choose to provide us with such data.
    2. Use/purchasing of services and goods: When you wish to enter into contract with ZUBAK GRUPA, you make a request for an offer and a reservation of ZUBAK GRUPA’s services and goods and in any other case where you are entering into a contractual or business relationship with ZUBAK GRUPA, we will need your personal data to provide you with the service or allow you to use our products or services as requested by you, or to respond to your request. At the time of making your request for services or products or entering into contract with ZUBAK GRUPA, you will be informed of the type and amount of data you are required to provide to us for the purpose of fulfilling your request and entering into and performing the contract (the personal data we collect for the purpose defined in this subsection may include your full name, PIN, company or organization identity, address, phone, e-mail address, driving license particulars, credit card particulars, and any other information as may be necessary for the purposes of the contractual relationship).
    3. Use of our websites: You can browse or use our websites,,,,, and anonymously because in this case no data that may identify you as a natural person are collected and you are not required to provide us with your personal data as a condition precedent to using the website. When you are using one of our websites, we may store data for different security reasons. Such data may include the identity of your internet service provider, the website providing a link used by you to reach our website, the websites you visited from our website, and your IP address. Such data may result in your identification, however, we do not use them for such purpose. We use such data for statistical purposes from time to time but also ensure that each user remains anonymous, so this person is not identifiable. By entering your personal data in the designated boxes within the website, you confirm that you have voluntarily made your personal data available and that you permit them to be used for the purposes for which they are provided.
    4. Consent: ZUBAK GRUPA may request your consent to the processing of your personal data, the ultimate purpose of which is not a condition precedent to the performance of a contract or ZUBAK GRUPA’s legal obligation or necessary for the entry into and performance of a contract or is not in your legitimate interest (e.g. for marketing purposes, to offer new products or services, etc.). You may or may not give your consent to such processing and, if given, you may withdraw it at any time. Our request for your consent must be concise, intelligible and easily accessible, using clear and simple language.
    5. Processing on legal, statutory or other grounds: As a legal entity, ZUBAK GRUPA is subject to legal and statutory obligations, which may include the obligation to process data for the purpose of performing ZUBAK GRUPA’s statutory and legal obligations. In such case, ZUBAK GRUPA processes your personal data pursuant to such legal and statutory regulations.
  3. For which purposes do we process your data?
    1. We process your data and use them for the purposes for which they are collected and to perform ZUBAK GRUPA’s statutory or legal obligations, including but not limited to:
      a) To perform a contract to which you are a party and to undertake pre-contractual activities at your request (e.g. vehicle reservation and rental, etc.);
      b) For the purposes for which you gave your consent (e.g. for the purpose of offering new services or products, surveying customer satisfaction with such services, etc.);
      c) Where such processing is required to comply with ZUBAK GRUPA’s legal and statutory obligations (e.g. accounting activities, provision of your information to the competent authority if the vehicle you are using has been involved in a violation, etc.); and
      d) Where such processing is necessary to protect your vital interests.”
  4. Do we share your data with third parties?
    1. The data we collect from and about you remain in ZUBAK GRUPA’s databases. Your data may be provided to third parties:
      a) When we are legally required to do so or as a response to a legal process or where required by the competent law-enforcement agencies in connection with any misdemeanor, criminal or judicial proceedings;
      b) To protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and the public;
      c) To provide administrative or technical support for the purpose of facilitating our transactions with you (e.g. for a rental via one of our partners, to provide Assistance via our partners, etc.);
      d) To analyse our data, perform mobile analytical services or maintain and improve our services (subject to nondisclosure agreements where applicable);
      e) To seek remedy and contain any damage that may be caused to us;
      f) To enforce any term of any contract or business relationship with you or our website terms and conditions (e.g. to have your vehicle serviced or repaired by one of our partners, to act as an intermediary for financing the purchase of our services or products through a leasing company or bank, to generate the vehicle insurance policy in case you wish to buy a registered and insured vehicle from us, etc.);
      g) To process transactions with our branch offices, business partners, intermediaries or agents through which you arrange or request our products or services; and
      h) In any other case subject to your consent.
    2. Your personal data may be transmitted to another legal entity in case all or part of ZUBAK GRUPA or its assets is transferred or changes owners or is reorganized or merged into another company.
    3. We may disclose your personal data to third party service providers (such as payment processors for the purpose of paying for goods and services, e-mail providers who will e-mail you our notifications on our behalf or customer service providers, leasing companies or banks we work with in respect of financing the purchase of our products or services). Such service providers may be located in a country other than your home country, such as the United States of America or European Union Member States. These service providers are bound by contract to protect the confidentiality and security of your data. However, your data may be available to public authorities pursuant to the applicable laws.
    4. Where data are shared with third parties, ZUBAK GRUPA will prohibit such third parties from using your personal data for any purpose other than the agreed purpose and shall impose on its business partners an obligation to protect the confidentiality of your personal data.
  5. Personal data retention period:
    1. The period of retaining your data depends on the type/category of your data, the purpose for which they are provided or collected, and the laws and legal obligations ZUBAK GRUPA may be subject to. We retain personal data for as long as we are required by the law, unless otherwise defined by the law (e.g. in connection with pending judicial proceedings).
    2. Data relating to ZUBAK GRUPA’s statutory and legal obligations shall be stored for the time defined by the applicable laws – e.g. the obligation to retain and the retention period of invoices and accounting documents (also containing your data) are defined by the Accounting Act.
    3. If no retention period is defined by laws or other regulations for certain data, they are retained for a reasonable time considering the data category and the purpose for which they are collected. Data collected for a particular purpose will only be used for that purpose and will no longer be actively stored after a reasonable time and after such purpose has been fulfilled. Anonymous data may continue to be used for statistical and marketing purposes, archiving, and other analytical purposes. At the time of providing such data, you will be informed of the retention period and the criteria for determining the retention period of such data.
  6. Your rights in respect of data processing
    1. In relation to all your personal data stored by us, you have the right (i) to access your personal data; (ii) to rectify or supplement your data; (iii) to erase your data; (iv) to restrict processing; and (v) object to data processing and portability and lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Personal Data Protection Agency) in accordance with the applicable personal data protection laws. Where processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, effective as of the date of your withdrawal.
    2. You may submit a request to exercise your rights defined in the preceding subsection using the above Data Protection Officer’s contact details. In your request, you should provide the necessary information about you so that we could respond to your request.
  7. Are you required to provide us with your personal data?
    1. If you demand a service from ZUBAK GRUPA or make a request or ask for an offer or lodge a complaint in connection with the contract or its performance, it is necessary that you provide us with your personal data we need to identify you as a user of our services and to eventually enter into and perform the contract or handle your request or complaint. In such a situation, the provision of your personal data is a legal and contractual obligation required to be performed to enter into and perform the contract or handle your request or complaint.
  8. Is automated decision-making used in ZUBAK GRUPA?
    1. ZUBAK GRUPA does not use automated decision-making or profiling.
  9. Online security of your data
    1. ZUBAK GRUPA’s websites protects your personal data against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Data on servers are stored in a controlled and secured environment, protected against unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
  10. Cookies
    1. Our websites,,,,, and use so-called cookies – text files placed in the user’s computer by the server used by the user. Files are generated when the browser in the user’s device uploads a website you are visiting, which then sends data to the browser and creates a text file (cookie). The browser retrieves the file and sends it to the website server (sites, pages) when the user revisits it.
    2. Cookies are used for the functioning of all website features and to improve the user experience and may be session cookies (these are only stored while you are visiting a website) or persistent cookies (they remain stored in the user’s computer after the visit).,,,, and use third party cookies to obtain statistical information about how our websites are visited and used. The data collected include user’s IP address, particulars of the browser, language and operating system, as well as other standard data collected and analysed only in anonymous and collective form, except in case of user data. ZUBAK GRUPA’s websites do not contain any cookies that allow for any software to be run or virus to be placed in your computer.
    3.,,,, and use Google Analytics and the relevant third party cookie policy is available at Google Analytics. We may from time to time collect data on how users use our websites by using other tools similar to Google Analytics.
    4. Disabling cookies. If you do not agree to their use, you can easily clear (disable) cookies on your computer or mobile device using the settings of your browser. For further information about cookie management, please visit the website of the browser you are using or
      As cookies are intended to improve and allow the use of our websites and their processes, please note that such features may not function or may operate or appear differently in your browser if you disable or clear cookies.